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- Work | bruceleeblack
Work Tunes Work View design work by brand. Experience the complete breakdown of each project. Click for HOME INDUSTRIES 00:00 / 01:12 Select by Name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A AGI Africa Template B Baker Hughes Bangahz Bedrug TruckBed Products Blacks Lawn Service Boyd Cycling Blimpie C CBS Environmental Camber Corp. CAOS 95TH CAOS Guide Captain Ds Caroline Community Center Carmike Theaters Coke Classic Coke Zero Coke Muhtar Bottle Coke Zero | Walmart Creativex Solutions D Diet Coke Dead Horse Production DeWalt E Educate: Learn The Question EITC E-Learning Concepts Emory Goizueta Logos Enlighten F Faucets - Delta Brand Food Network Banners Fresh Waster UI Concept Ever Current Video Fugi Template Fresh Water Infographic G Gift Tree UI Concept NFAB Growler Running Board H Heritage Canvas Print I Icy Love Fashion Interior Concept Interstate Batteries Island Dog L-M Lemon Twist Coke Zero Levi My Personal Driver N NFAB Bull Bar NAACP BHB NAACP Heritage Fest P Powerade Prende S Six Flags Smart Marketing Spring Fest 2019 T Tornado Tango Samsung Galaxy S23 Thai On The Go TPU Gamelab U Uhaul A B C D E F G H I L-M N P S T U INDUSTRIES HOME Select by Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
- ICEY LOVE | bruceleeblack
Icey Love Programs: lllustrator, Photoshop, Indesign Owner needed an updated brand idea for her business. I created the logo, and a few web banners to get her started. WORK HOME Icy Love Logo Icy Love Hero Comp Smile Fall Sale 1920x1080 Smile Fall Sale 1080x1920 Cheer Summer Sale 1080x1920 Cheer Summer Sale 1080x1920 Glow Spring Sale 1920x1080 Glow Spring Sale 1080x1920 360x280 Icy Love banner 01 360x280 Icy Love banner 03 360x280 Icy Love banner 02 360x280 Icy Love banner 04 120x600 Icy Love banner
- THAI ON THE GO | bruceleeblack
Thai On The Go Programs: lllustrator, Photoshop, Animate, Dreamweaver, Maya, Mudbox Created Logo and a series of digital media post designs for a restaurant company that advertises on the web. DIGITAL WORK HOME Displays | Print | Email | Webpage | Banners Thai On The Go Logo Displays Thai On The Go Digital Illustration Thai On The Go Digital AD Thai On The Go Menu Thai On The Go Stationary Package Print Thai on the Go Poster / Vertical Scr Cover L1 Inside Cover L1 Page 8 and Page 1 L2 Page 2 and Page 7 L2 Page 6 and Page 3 L3 Page 4 and Page 5 L3 TOTG Email Blast 01 TOTG Email Blast 02 Emails Thai On The Go | Web UI Webpages Order Online Pickup Order Online Delivery Thai On The Go Banner Package Digital Banners 728x90 LeaderHead ThaiOnTheGo 01 468x60 Banner ThaiOnTheGo 01 336x280 LRectangle ThaiOnTheGo 01 300x250 InlineRectangle ThaiOnTheGo 01 250x250 InlineRectangle ThaiOnTheGo 01 200x200 InlineRectangle ThaiOnTheGo 01 160x600 WskyScrapper ThaiOnTheGo 01 120x600 WskyScrapper ThaiOnTheGo 01 Animated Web Banners (HTML 5 CANVAS)
- BEDRUG XMAS PRODUCTS | bruceleeblack
BedRug X-mas Products Programs: Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator & XD Print, Social, Email & Digital Banners WORK HOME Banners Social Media - Facebook Emails Print
- FUGI TEMPLATE | bruceleeblack
Fugi Template Programs: lllustrator, Photoshop, Powerpoint This Power Point Template I created for any user to plug and play with their personal or professional work. WORK HOME PPT Fugi Template p1 PPT Fugi Template p2 PPT Fugi Template p3 PPT Fugi Template p4 PPT Fugi Template p5 PPT Fugi Template p6
- POWERADE | bruceleeblack
Powerade Design Concepts Programs: lllustrator, Photoshop, Maya A series of dital ads designs for a the Powerade Brand advertised on the web. WORK HOME Man Running Image Clipped | Painted | Composited Image Powerade Energy Digital Ad Powerade Get Started AD 01 Powerade Get Started AD 02
- Bruce BlacK | CONTACT
Contact You are able to contact me by phone or email. Phone number is at the bottom of the page. Click for HOME INDUSTRIES BRUCE LEE A. BLACK Business Email Personal Email RÉSUMÉ LINKEDIN Success! Message received. Send
- DEAD HORSE PRODUCTIONS | bruceleeblack
Dead Horse Productions Programs: lllustrator, Photoshop, Maya A series of social media post designs for a video production company that advertises on the web. WORK HOME Real Estate AD 1080 x 1350 - A Real Estate AD 1080 x 1350 - B New Year Cal. 1080 x 1350 DHP Wedding 1080 x 1350 DHP Business 1080 x 1350 - A DHP Business 1080 x 1350 - B DHP Business 1080 x 1350 - C DHP Christmas 1080 x 1350 - A DHP Christmas 1080 x 1350 - B DHP Christmas 1080 x 1350 - C DHP CD 1080 x 1350 - A DHP CD 1080 x 1350 - B DHP CAMERA1080 x 1350 - A DHP CAMERA1080 x 1350 - B
- DEWALT TOOLS | bruceleeblack
DeWalt Tool Render / Layout Programs: lllustrator, Photoshop, Maya Concept render of a flashlight that will hit the market early 2018. Model was based on a design supplied by the client. WORK HOME Flash Light GS 1920 x 1080 Flash Light Render 1920 x 1080 DeWalt Ad 1920 x 1080
- Bruce Black | SERVICES
SERVICES Graphic Design, Web Design, Animation, Illustration, Compositing and Painting If you are a company, small business owner, or individual who may need services please contact me. LOGO DESIGN Some layout sizes may not be specified to your liking please contact me via phone or email. 770.885.0369 | STANDARD PACKAGE $200.00 or 4 Payments / $50.00 m. - 1 Custom Logo Design - - 2 Changes - - Style Guide - Print (.eps) Adobe Illustrator (.ai) Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) SILVER PACKAGE $350.00 or 7 Payments / $50.00 m. - 1 Custom Logo Design - - 4 Changes - - Style Guide - - 1 Animated Logo - - 1 Social Media Banner - Print (.eps) Adobe Illustrator (.ai) Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) Animation (.gif) / java script GOLD PACKAGE $500.00 or 10 Payments / $50.00 m. - 1 Custom Logo Design - - 4 Changes - - Style Guide - - 1 Animated Logo - - 1 Social Media Banner - - 1 Social Media Profile - - 1 Social Media Post - Print (.eps) Adobe Illustrator (.ai) Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) Animation (.gif) / java script SOCIAL MEDIA POST DESIGN Some layout sizes may not be specified to your liking please contact me via phone or email. 770.885.0369 | STANDARD PACKAGE $100.00 or 2 Payments / $50.00 m. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. SILVER PACKAGE $200.00 or 4 Payments / $50.00 m. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. GOLD PACKAGE $300.00 or 6 Payments / $50.00 m. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. If you just want 1 post. It will cost $25.00 If you just want 1 post. It will cost $25.00 If you just want 1 post. It will cost $25.00 - 5 Custom SM Designs - - 1 Change ( for each design ) - Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) - 11 Custom SM Designs - - 1 Change ( for each design ) - Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) -17 Custom SM Designs - - 1 Change ( for each design ) - Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) SOCIAL MEDIA BANNER DESIGN Some layout sizes may not be specified to your liking please contact me via phone or email. 770.885.0369 | STANDARD PACKAGE $100.00 or SILVER PACKAGE $200.00 or GOLD PACKAGE $300.00 or 2 Payments / $50.00 m. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. 4 Payments / $50.00 m. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. 6 Payments / $50.00 m. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. If you just want 1 post. It will cost $30.00 If you just want 1 post. It will cost $30.00 If you just want 1 post. It will cost $30.00 - 4 Custom SM Banners - w/profile Image - 1 Change ( for each design ) - Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) - 8 Custom SM Banners - w/profile Image - 1 Change ( for each design ) - Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) - 12 Custom SM Banners - w/profile Image - 1 Change ( for each design ) - Transparent (.png) Screen (.jpg) WEB DESIGN Some layout sizes may not be specified to your liking please contact me via phone or email. 770.885.0369 | STANDARD PACKAGE $350.00 or SILVER PACKAGE $700.00 or GOLD PACKAGE $1500.00 or 7 Payments / $50.00 m. 14 Payments / $50.00 m. 28 Payments / $50.00 m. If you just want 1 page site. It will cost $200.00 If you just want 1 page site. It will cost $200.00 If you just want 1 page site. It will cost $200.00 Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. Use of stock images will be extra. You are allowed to use your own images. - 5 Custom Web Pages - - 2 Changes ( per page ) - - 10 Custom Web Pages - - 2 Changes ( per page ) - - 20 Custom Web Pages - - 2 Changes ( per page ) - WEB BANNER DESIGN Some layout sizes may not be specified to your liking please contact me via phone or email. 770.885.0369 | STANDARD PACKAGE $100.00 or SILVER PACKAGE $200.00 or GOLD PACKAGE $300.00 or 2 Payments / $50.00 m. If you just want 1 banner. It will cost $15.00 - $30.00 You are allowed to use your own images. Use of stock images will be extra. - 5 Custom Web Banners - - 1 Changes ( per banner ) - 4 Payments / $50.00 m. If you just want 1 banner. It will cost $15.00 - $30.00 You are allowed to use your own images. Use of stock images will be extra. - 11 Custom Web Banners - - 1 Changes ( per banner ) - 6 Payments / $50.00 m. If you just want 1 banner. It will cost $15.00 - $30.00 You are allowed to use your own images. Use of stock images will be extra. - 17 Custom Web Banners - - 1 Changes ( per banner ) - GET FREE QUOTE GET FREE DESIGN